Guys if you want to date a girl from here and graduate with AIDS and not As, go ahead. As for me, I will try getting a girl from outside camp,” he added.“My friend not all these girls are like that.Honestly, if all these are full of filth, I wonder what they think of all the guys at UNZA. Lets not judge. Who are we?” retorted one of his friends.Seeing that just eavesdropping would not help me know what these guys were talking about, I decided to do something I do not normally do-poking my nose into other people’s business.
I decided to say something because in some way I was not happy with the idea of being referred to as a person full of filth. I am also a student at the UNZA by the way. So for the sake of curiosity I asked the guy a question.“Why do you say girls from UNZA are full
of filth?” I asked in a rather shaky voice because I was so scared of what he was going to answer as the guy seemed emotional already because of the response one of his friends had given him.Surprisingly he answered me by telling me a story I will never forget. By conversing with him further, I learnt his name, but for fear of being victimized, he decided to remain anonymous. However, in this feature story we shall call him Mabvuto bearing in mind that this is not his real name.Mabvuto told me of how in his second year of study at UNZA he met a girl called Dabwitso (also not real name) and thought she was the girl he would spend the rest of his life with.Looking me straight in the eyes he said, “Dabwitso was a devil of a woman! She used to come out the way she was not. She was full of pretence. She was the cause of my bad grades in second year and I thank goodness I was not making points.”

He told me about how Dabwitso made him believe that she really loved him. Mabvuto at that time believed Dabwitso was the perfect girl that he had always dreamed to have.Mabvuto and Dabwitso used to spend most of their time together and since they were in the same year of study, they used to help each other in their studies. They were inseparable. They were in love. People they knew around campus would admire their relationship. They seemed to be the perfect example of what a real relationship is, until one fateful day in hot October of 2005 everything just got shattered.
Dabwitso managed to break Mabvuto’s heart.“This is the day I will never forget, because I got taught a lesson I will never forget. Up to today that lesson still rings in my ears whenever I see UNZA girls .And believe me I will never stop calling these girls snakes,” He said with tears forming at the corner of his eyes.Apparently, on that fateful day, Mabvuto and Dabwitso had planned to go for an outing to Mundawanga, but Dabwitso called him that morning to say she was sick and could not go. Mabvuto being the ever so sweet boyfriend that he always was, quickly, rushed to her room to see what was wrong with the love of his life. Upon reaching her room, he was surprised because the sick person was not there and her roommate told him that she has left with an elderly man who she had introduced as her uncle.Mabvuto was confused. He did not understand why Dabwitso for th
e first time did not tell him that her uncle had come to take her home. They told each other everything; or so he thought at the time. He was confused and worried and so he called her to confirm this development and she told him she was at home and feeling much better.

Feeling rather bored and with nothing much to do, Mabvuto decided to go for a movie in town and to his surprise Dabwitso was there too, but not with him. And just as he was about to join her at a popcorn vending machine outside the cinema hall, an elderly man in his late fifties dawning a thick gray afro and protruding tummy walked up to her giving her a big kiss right on the mouth. To his surprise, Dabwitso responded right back touching the man rather intimately.Mabvuto was in a state of shock and just stood there staring. All he could think of right then was for the ground to just open up and swallow him.“It was like a night mare for me. I just wanted someone to pinch me and wake me up at that moment and tell me it was all a dream. I simply did not understand,” said Mabvuto with tears now falling down his cheeks. And instead of walking up to them, he decided to go back to UNZA because he felt sick to his stomach because what he had just witnessed.He stayed in his room for a bit and later on Dabwitso called him saying she was on her way back to school. Mabvuto though still in a state of shock walked to her hostile car park just so he could really prove that it was her he had seen earlier. He decided to hide at a place convenient enough for him to see what Dabwitso and this man were all about.And just as he thought, there was Dabwitso coming out of a sleek looking white Mercedes Benz and yes, the so- called uncle was the one that drove her back to UNZA.
The man slowly drove into the parking lot and parked the car strategically under the trees and again, to Mabvuto’s disgust, they started kissing and fondling one another. And though it was a bit dark, he could see clearly. Indeed it was his Dabwitso .Just as she was getting out of the car and the older man escorting her, Mabvuto popped out from his hiding place and all Dabwitso could do was look him straight in the eyes like she had not done anything wrong. And all he said was, “Dabwitso why?”To his shock she answered him with no remorse whatsoever, “Because he gives me what you do not. He is the reason am alive financially and you are the reason am alive emotionally,” she said as she and her man friend walke
d past Mabvuto into her hostel.Mabvuto had heard of guys on campus being disappointed by their girlfriends who usually dumped them for older men, but he never imagined it would ever happen to him.When he got back to his room crying and speechless, his friends were waiting for him and when they asked him what the matter was he said, “Never will I again.” He then narrated to them what Dabwitso had done and they too were left speechless. They could not believe such an innocent girl was capable of the disgusting behaviour Mabvuto had told them about.

And this is why up to today Mabvuto thinks girls at UNZA are full of filth.Mabvuto’s experience has become such a common trend at UNZA.Some students whether male or female are engaging in multiple relationships. This trend is more prominent amongst females because they seem to have a boyfriend within campus and another usually elderly from outside campus. As for the guys, they usually have one on campus and the other from back home.What Mabvuto experienced is what most guys at UNZA are experiencing some are aware while others like poor Mabvuto do not know what lies behind their innocent looking girlfriends from UNZA.One can not really condemn Mabvuto’s view of dating UNZA girls.
After all, he is entitled to his own opinion. Like they say ‘Experience is the best teacher’, only problem is that Mabvuto learnt the hard way.Question is why is this happening? Like Dabwitso answered Mabvuto when asked ‘why’, it is for financial backup and emotional backup’s’sake.Most girls it is believed often do it so that they can have financial backup. A land lord is seen as a financial shelter and an access to wealth.University education is costly, as a result most girls want to meet their education needs by having someone to pay for their fees. As if this is not enough, they
are also selfish enough to get involved with a guy from campus. This one they claim, is the one who meets their emotional needs as well as their academic needs in terms of assignment writing, provision of academic data. In other words, these are walking sticks when their ‘uncle' is busy with other things.The ‘landlord female student relationship’ phenomenon is becoming a means of financing a university education, and providing students with the latest clothing and feeding allowances, with little attention being given to the sexual risks involved. Landlords provide their girls with the best time and shower them with the most expensive gifts. Money to them is no big deal and they make sure they blind girls with this notion.For some girls going out with these landlords is actually a hobby because some of them come from well to do families who provide for their every need. Some just are obsessed by the spirit of going out with older men. While others are simply selfish.

They just think about themselves.Some students interviewed condemned this trend currently occurring at the highest institution of learning saying it is not fair that all UNZA girls should be labeled as being filthy.Jemima Musa, a third year student said Landlords simply dehydrate the moral values of our societies. She added that landlords make endless offers and promises to young girls which they know the girls can not resist with the current poverty situation in the country. However, some boys are aware of their girlfriends’ affairs and they are equally benefiting from the proceeds of the landlord.This all phenomenon is abominable in African culture and for Zambia being a Christian nation, it does not send out a good message. Much as we appreciate that there is abject poverty in Zambia, dignity and integrity must be restored.
Additionally, a cross section of UNZA female students interviewed say Mabvuto’s comment about them being full of filth is all wrong because not all girls are like his ex-girl friend.“Mabvuto should know that there are decent girls at this campus.
Additionally, a cross section of UNZA female students interviewed say Mabvuto’s comment about them being full of filth is all wrong because not all girls are like his ex-girl friend.“Mabvuto should know that there are decent girls at this campus.
There are always rotten eggs anywhere he will ever go. Even if he dates a girl from off camp she is still capable of doing what Dabwisto did to him. It’s all about being principled and knowing what one wants,” said Serita, a third year student at UNZA.Another second year female student Jan said Mabvuto’s experience should be a lesson to everyone.“People in relationships ought to be sensitive and make sure they really know about the person they are dating because anything is possible,” said Jan.Indeed, not everyone is the same. People are created differently. Each one has their own personality and their characteristics should not be a bas
is for judging everyone else.UNZA girls are not all the same; each one is unique.One thing that should be put in mind is that a time bomb has been set and it is only up to UNZA students themselves to stop it from exploding. Because if it does explode, it will cause a lot of damage. Dating a girl from UNZA should not be like the way Mabvuto put it – ‘killing a mosquito on my mother’s breast using an AK 47 rifle’. It should not be a risk. Someone has to go into it with a clear mind. Of course this can only be changed if all UNZA students play their cards right. In other words, they should strive to be faithful to one partner in a relationship and shunning all multiple affairs especially with landlords at all times. These relationships are not worth it. People get hurt.

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