This method will enable you set up your own storefront quickly with no hassle and no money required on your part. the only investment required on your part is a little time and dedication. there are many companies/websites that will let you sell their good for a commission. its a chance for them to reach more potential buyers and an opportunity for you as well to make money. you will get a free storefront, you’ll have full stock of your chosen merchandise, you don’t have to worry about accepting payment, shipping and returns. as a matter of fact you wont even have to see or handle the merchandise your selling. plus many of these businesses specially the ones listed below, will let you use your imagination and creativity to add your personal touch, to customize the merchandise in hops of attracting wide verity of costumers which of course leads to more sale and profit for both you and the company your selling for. with most of these companies, you can set up your storefront in a in matter of minutes, so the only thing you really have to focus on is attracting buyers, which by looking at merchandise choices that you have below(T- shirts, hats and other customizable items are amongst the best and fastest selling merchandise online) it will not be a difficult task at all. use all of your options, if you have a blog/website, put a link to it or dedicate a section of your site to your store (you can have information about your store or special promotions and coupon codes for your readers). use your face book or my space or whatever social networking site you use. tell your friends and family. make business cards and hand out to people, put ads on free classified ads websites like craigslist or backpage. if you participate in chat rooms or forums, put your store name in your signature link. there are many ways you can attract buyers. be creative and don’t be shy to advertise your business whenever opportunity shows up (please don’t spam people). be up to date! what i mean by that is use the important daily issues that gets people talking, to design or customize your product.(remember how many obama t-shirt and other obama stuff sold around 2008 presidential election!?).
One thing to keep in mind is that a lot of times these companies will give you the option of upgrading, which for a monthly fee, you can have more control over your store and how it functions. an example would be the opportunity to have your store on a unique domain that they give you for free, instead of using one of their sub domains. but it is not necessary to upgrade, if you put your heart into it and do what you can to attract buyers. yes having a unique store name is good but after all the quality and uniqueness of your designs and customizations is what the potential buyers are looking for, not the store name. don’t forget that “hard work and honestly always pay off”.
With that said, here are 9 Website To Make Money With By Designing & Selling Merchandise Online, Free! please feel free to ask any question or voice any opinion you might have, regarding this subject. i wish you all the best of luck.
1. cafepress Cafepress gives you a FREE online shop to promote your products(a sub domain of cafepress) which you can choose what products you want to sell there(if you prefer you can signup for their Premium Shop for $5 a month which gives you more option and control ). basically you design t-shirts, posters, mugs, bumper stickers and etc and put them up for sale. each item you sell has a base price. You simply markup the base price by the amount you wish to earn for each product you sell. just to give you an example lets assume that an item is priced $4, you can list that on your shop for $10 and each time it sells they take the amount of the base price which in this case is $4 and you keep the rest which would be $6. items includes t-shirts, posters, mugs, bumper sticker, Books printed on-demand Audio and Data CDs. they handle all of the payment transaction, shipping and returns/exchanges. your checks are sent out monthly.
2. spreadshirt With Spreadshirt you can open a free Spreadshirt shop and fill it with your own designs or with other sellers available designs. you can advertise your products anywhere from websites to communities to My Space Profiles or blogs. they take care of processing, payment and shipping. products includes shirts, hoodies, jackets, caps, bags, coffee mugs and doggie shirts.just like cafepress You can choose to become a Premium member for $10.00 per month which gives you a lot of options like offering up to 3 Designer shops where your customers create products on their own with your designs, You will receive a 20% commission with every sale. also you can earn by adding your designs to the Marketplace for others to use, which every time an item gets sold with that design, you get a commission .
3. printfection Offers your own FREE online store show casing all your designs. they handle all the dirty work. a great plus is that they provides a 100% satisfaction guarantee on every product, so you don’t have to worry about unhappy customers. each product has its base price which you can add your own price on top of that (that would be your commission) for selling on your online store. checks are sent by the 15th of each month (if you have at least $25 in your account). you can have as many stores as you want. international sellers can become store owner as well.
4. e-shirt You get a free online store. E-Shirt.com provides a wholesale price (which i have to say its a bit cheaper than cafepress) and you mark them up for a profit. products includes T-Shirt, Tank Top, Sweatshirt, Thong Panties, Ceramic Mug, Mouse Pad and Tee. paid once a month by check when the $35 minimum is reached.
5. pikistore This one is very unique because it lets you create your own real independent site for free and gives you much more control over the look of your store(site) .you will be selling your own designed t shirts.
6. zazzle You can create a free personalized online store on Zazzle with their-easy-to-use shopping cart, if you wish, you can sell the products on your own website using tools Zazzle offers, including RSS feeds. the cool thing is that they have a couple of different ways that you can qualify to receive what is called the “Associates’ Volume Bonus” which means you make more money. you can design and sell anything you can make ( more than 400 different products) from T-shirts to Skateboards, Bumper Stickers, Key chains, Photo Sculptures, to Shoes, Business Cards, Ties, Bags, Hats, Photo Prints and so on.
7. shirtcity Gives you the opportunity to create your own products and collections and sell them online for free. for each product you design, you will determine an individual commission. you can design sell T-Shirts, Women`s Apparel, Jackets / Long sleeves, Underwear / Presents and some Accessories like Hats and Bags. you will get a check at the end of each quarter for all commissions earned if the amount exceeds $20.00.
8. wordans Earn 2$ per design sold, up to 15$ per product, and 10% of sales from your online shop. your shop or “Wordans Designer page” is fully customizable. you have the option of submitting Unlimited products and design. you can have your logo placed on billing statements and shipping information as well as Sending newsletters with new design and products to your customers. everything from the online shop to the processing payment, shipping and customer care is handled by them.
9. comboutique Comboutique which is a british owned and operated online store, allows you to create your own online shops for free. you can design and sell t-shirt, bag, cap and more. similar to what the other sites policy is, you pay for a base price for each item and list it on your online shop for whatever amount you want to sell, the difference between the base price and the final sale price would be your commission. they handle everything for you, from payment processing & shipping to customer support, returns and exchange.
SOURCE: http://www.blogstash.com/9-websites-to-make-money-with-by-designing-and-customizing-others-merchandise-to-sale-online-for-free/
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